TDP54051 Tim Blake - Crystal Machine
British synthesizer wizard Tim Blake became a mainstay of the adventurous musical Gong collective
in the mid-1970s and joined legendary rockers Hawkwind by the end of the decade. In between, he
recorded a number of experimental solo albums, of which the first, Crystal Machine, was the most
innovative and ambitious. An album taken from epic live performances staged at the Seasalter festival in
1976 and at Paris’ Palace Theatre in 1977, the disc had four extended synthesizer suites and a locked
fragment at the end, all featuring Blake on various futuristic keyboards, including an EMS Synthis A, a
Minimoog, and an Elka Rhapsody, as well as an EMS Frequency Shifter, an MXR Flanger, and a
Sony TC Tape Deck Echo, performing in tandem with a Spectra Physics 164 Argon Laser and a Crystal
Machine Projector, operated by Patrice Warrener for maximum trippy-ness. The result is an innovative
masterpiece of ambient electronica with a touch of jazz-funk, as heard most noticeably on “Metro
Logice” and “Last Ride Of The Boogie Child.” This is a deep dive into all that is possible in the realm of
the synthesizer, repeated listening revealing the hefty skill woven in layers of dexterous playing.
Metro Logic
Last Ride Of The Boogie Child
Synthese Intemporelle
Crystal Presence